Script Attributes and Usage

Control your scripts using these attributes:

  • data-category: Assigns the script to a consent category. You can find the ID of each category from your CookieChimp dashboard.
  • data-service (optional): Name of the company, service or a group of scripts. Can be used to disable a single service in a category while leaving others enabled - or the other way around.
  • data-type (optional): Defines a custom script type.
  • data-src (optional): Can be used instead of src for validation purposes.

Code Examples

  // Always executed

<script type="text/plain" data-category="analytics">
  // Executed when user consents to the "analytics" category

  // Executed when user consents to "Hotjar" service

<!-- Script loads when user consents to "Hotjar" service -->

You can also run scripts when a category or service is disabled (if it was previously enabled) by prepending the ’!’ character to the name.

<script type="text/plain" data-category="!analytics">
  // Executed when the "analytics category is disabled