We scan your website to find the vendors and storage items used on your site. We detect services and storage items set before and after consent was granted.

We will flag each service with one of the following status:

  • Ran before consent - A service that is not part of a required category ran before consent is granted.

  • Not shown in banner - We detected storage items from a service that is not shown in your banner.

  • Not part of a category or service - We detected storage items that are not in your banner and we cannot match to a vendor/service.

  • All good - Everything is set up correctly.

We also check if users can update their preferences after their initial consent.

Manual Scanning

Scans can be created from the Website Scan page.

Accounts on free plans are limited to 1 scan per day. Accounts on paid plans have access to 5 scans per day.

Auto Scanning

Auto scanning can be enabled through the Vendor Scanner integration.

Automatic weekly scanning is only available to accounts on paid plans. Accounts on free plans only have access to automatic monthly scanning.